Thursday, May 07, 2009


I haven't updated this blog is almost 4 months...I just don't have much to blog about, I guess.

So I had this radical idea while taking my bike out for a spin. Turn this blog into a photo blog! photo + blog = phlog? I love taking pictures of random things and I have a pretty large collection of random pictures on my computer but really have no idea what to do with them. I don't feel like deleting them because they might come in handy one day.

I think that day has come. Put up my random pictures here on this!

Let's start with this one:
Event: Maple Syrup Festival
Location: Kortright Conservation Centre - Vaughn, Ontario

Monday, January 12, 2009

What would people say?

Today, I took time out of my busy schedule at work (and yes, it's pretty busy this week) to attend the funeral service for my friend's grandmother. While I didn't personally know his grandmother, I was there just to support him. This was the first funeral service that I attended where the person being celebrated wasn't a family friend or relative (okay, so I've only been to like three funerals).

It was a very touching service and lots of wonderful and loving words were said about the mother, grandmother, and friend. When I returned to work, I was thinking to myself, "what would people say about me?" "How would my family and friends eulogize me?"

It really gets you thinking......

Thursday, November 20, 2008

I had the opportunity to attend Passion Hong Kong in October when I made a return to the city to attend the funeral of my grandmother who passed away at the end of September. I was invited to attend this conference by my friend Clara, who was spending 8 months in Hong Kong on a co-op work term. After receiving the go ahead from my parents to attend, since I wasn't sure whether I had any further family obligations after the funeral, I was so excited to attend this conference. Why? Because Chris Tomlin was performing, who's my favourite worship music artist!

Anyway, he played some of his older songs as well as music from his new CD, Hello Love. One of the songs which was really touching is called "God of This City". Give it a listen and reflect on the words.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

How much did the dress cost?

I wonder if the bride and groom got to ride on the zamboni...

Monday, September 08, 2008


Class 301 "Discovering my Ministry" is the Sunday School class I'm taking this semester. Although I took it when I first came to Ottawa (I believe it was my very first SS class at OCAC), I feel it is time to take it again to "discover" where I should fit in during this stage in life. Back then, I was just starting university and very gung ho about university life. I wasn't the best SS attendee back then; skipping classes here and there because of academic or social obligations (moreso the latter, now that I admit it). As a result, I never really got to discover where my ministry was and where I fit in best. But I managed to find a niche in Elijah Fellowship and help out there.

Four and a half years later, things have definitely take a turn for the good. I've developed a passion for praise and worship music through my involvement of worship team for student ministry and learning how to play the drums. I've also subbed in for a couple of people for ushering duties. I shared with the class during our introductions that the two areas I'm focusing on are worship and welcoming/ushering. But of course, that is what I want to do. But what does God have in store for me? That is the reason why I'm taking 301 again -- to find out whether worship or welcoming/ushering is for me or if there is another ministry out there that I could fit in. At the end of this class or throughout the duration of the semester, we will hopefully be connected to one of the ministries at OCAC.

One area that I know needs some help is with Children's Ministry. There is a need for Sunday School teachers. From what I see, helping out with CM takes a lot of hard work and dedication. Some people devote their lives to children and I can see that through our Children's Ministry Director. She's always at church preparing for VBS or SS or other CM-related events. She invests a lot of her time in the children. For the teachers, I see a real dedication and passion for teaching God's word to the next generation. The next generation is really important. They will be the ones carrying our torches and the ones going out onto the mission field when we are old and ragged. But is CM for me? I've never been really good at helping children. There's something about screaming and the inattentiveness that gets to me. And also, the fact that I can't really carry a conversation bothers me too. But what if God leads me to CM?

I was talking to a friend of mine last night on MSN about this. He said that it's wonderful that I'm taking 301 again, especially this time taking it as a graduate (non-student) and really trying to find a niche at OCAC. He's teaching Sunday School to grades 2 to 4 and he absolutely loves it. He really likes teaching the kids and I can see that he really enjoys talking to them and seeing them grow up to be fishers of men (and women). While he finds the prepping a little difficult and time consuming, he said that in the end, it's all worth it. He's asked me to help out in his class seeing as he thinks I'd be a good teacher (I think otherwise) because he sees me as a good people person. I told him that I will consider his offer after this semester; after 301 and seeing where that leads me to.

Thursday, September 04, 2008

Jumping Ship

My Minister will not be running in the next election (which will be called on Sunday). What's going to happen to most of our work? He was such a supporter and advocate of some of the work and policies we were coming up with. Buggers. Hope the next Minister will be as supportive as Monte.

As for the pending election, although it's too soon and seems like politicians can't get along with one another, GO VOTE.

My prediction: another minority government.

Sunday, July 27, 2008