Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Paper Pusher

I finally started working last Tuesday. Essentially, my work revolves around whatever my managers want me to do. So whenever they don't have any work for me to do (which is pretty much 70% of the time), I sit in my cubicle and surf the internet, familiarize myself with the Training Database, and read material from the training courses. But you can only do so much of that until you really get bored. Sometimes, I even take a little shut eye. But it's hard for me to slack off because the printer is located in my cubicle! ARGH.

So now, to make time go by a little bit faster (not like it will), whenever I get a task, I am trying to do it at a slower pace so that it will take up more of my time. But I don't want it to look like I'm a slow worker and doesn't get things done. ARGH.

My friends are somewhat jealous of me because I get paid to be a paper pusher and sit in front of a computer and do nothing. I will not tell you my salary wage (there, Leon...happy?! =)), because you can find that out on the internet. So I'm just going to end here now and if anything exciting comes about (which won't be for a little while), I shall post.

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