Monday, February 20, 2006

Oh what a ride...

The return trip back to Ottawa always seems so boring and tiring. Maybe it’s because I have to return to reality again. Trips to Toronto seem so much more exciting. Oh well.

Anyway, I’m sitting all by myself (hooray!) although there was this fat dude who sat beside me until Oshawa. Phewf. The old man in the seat across from me is wearing some hideous towncrier-ish outfit. He’s got like black trousers that are fat around the hips but tight around the ankle area. A white fluffy shirt, a blue vest with shiny old trimming and a yellow sash tied around his waste. He was also wearing a pirate hat when we were waiting to board. Now he’s reading books about pirates and outlaws in Canada. He’s also taking notes at the same time. Thank God he didn’t choose to sit beside me. He’s sitting beside some old lady. Hehehe. She was kind of hesitant to let him sit there at first, but it’s not like he had any choice; most seats were filled up by the time he boarded. I would take a picture, but it’d be too obvious that I’m making fun of him. LOL.

I think VIA is being arses now. They’re soo stingy about the stupid 6Pak thing, it’s getting ridiculous. First, it was TravelCuts charging 5 bucks + GST for reserving tickets with a 6Pak. Today, the train manager asked me for my file. I was like “what are you talking about?!” He said, “your 6Pak file”. My reply was, “it’s in Ottawa.” And then he gave me this weird look and said “you know you’re supposed to have it on you all the time”. I’m like “in the three years that I’ve taken VIA, not a single person has ever asked me for that file”. So he just gave me a warning. Weird. He’s probably a newbie. Unless he didn’t believe my ISIC card was real. STUPID. But then he goes on with his ticket taking and asks the students sitting diagonally across from me and doesn’t even ask them for their file!!!!!! loser dude. Oh well, that’s passed already.

My weekend was pretty good. I got some good food and some TLC. I went to the orthodontist on Saturday. She told me I could probably get my braces off in the summer! Wooot! But on the bad side, she told me I got a cavity. URGH.

Sunday, I went to SCBC for church and also to SS. It’s good to be back at SCBC, but I kind of feel old when I return because I don’t even know half the people in the University/College SS class! After yum cha at Ruby (mmmmm), my mom and I went shopping. In one of the stores we walked into (no names mentioned), one of the saleslady thought I was 15. FIFTEEN! Geee…that’s like the youngest someone has ever called me. I usually get 17-18…but 15!!! HAHA. But I don’t think it’s worse than Karl’s experience at the airport. LOL.

So yeah, I still had to buy something from that store though, cuz I needed it. Then I told the lady my real age. She was shocked. She said it’s because I was shopping with my mom and because I had braces. (eh?). I guess by 21, you’re not supposed to go shopping with your mom, according to her. And well, braces just make people look younger I guess because you’re supposed to get them in your teens.

Monday morning, I woke up to watch the Olympics and found out that the Women’s Hockey final is going to be at 2:30pm! NOOOOOOOOOOOOO. So now it’s 5:15pm, and it should be over now. I’m dying to know the score. I think Canada will pull through though. They have a really good team and if they can get 2-3 goals by Kim Martin, they should be in cruise control. The US got the bronze medal; somewhat of a consolation for a bad team this year.

Well, I’m going to eat my dinner now. I’m hungry. LOL.

Update at 5:45pm: The train manager just announced that the women’s team won 4-1!!!! WOOOTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I wish I could of watched it live!

1 comment:

the UNwise said...

Canadian women's hockey team can beat the Canadian men's hockey team because they don't have Pat Quinn as their coach.

VIA has always been stupid...but I never used the 6Pak 'cuz well, I didn't travel that much. Maybe he asked you for your file 'cuz you looked 15 and you were asian. ;)