Sunday, June 15, 2008

"Whatcha lookin' at?"

Going home on the Route 97 bus this afternoon after a semi-wet outing to Westfest, there was a family (presumably single mother + her young children + her friends) sitting at the back of the bus. One of the youngest ones, which I think is a toddler, was crying his head off and screaming like he was being tortured. You know how babies/toddlers have an ear-piercing cry when they are in need of something or something has been taken away from them? Well, it was that sort of cry. To make it worse, it was confined to a bus, so the sound was just worse.

Anyway, when a kid cries like that, most people wonder what the heck is going on right? There's just a curiousity in all of us to find out the truth, and of course, it's simply annoying when you're trying to have a conversation with someone, listen to your music, or just don't want to be disturbed while sitting on the bus. Because this kid was crying like crazy, it was natural for everyone to turn their heads and take a peek as to what was going on. Some people got so annoyed that they moved from the back of the bus to the front of the bus to get away from the ear-piercing screams.

Every time the kid wailed, all the heads in the bus would turn towards the back. Of course, it's natural for the parent to be embarrassed. She was so embarrassed and frustrated with the kid, that during this one time, at about LeBreton station, when everyone took a peek, she freaked out and screamed "Whatcha lookin' at huh? Turn your f-ing heads around NOW! EVERYONE". Then everyone was just giving her the dirty look and we were all like "ohmahgawd". For one, we were shocked that she actually said something like that, but most of all, we were just annoyed that she couldn't get her kid to stop crying. She had NO parenting skills whatsoever. She just let the kid scream and cry for the entire trip.

Some people really need to learn some parenting skills before having children. Seriously.

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