Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Canada's 141st Birthday

This year, I celebrated Canada's 141st birthday on Parliament Hill by attending the afternoon concert! Before the concert, my friend and I went to the Royal Canadian Mint to exchange 50 cents for a special 50 cent coin and get a free cookie in the process. Afterwards, we checked out the festivities on Major's Hill Park and got free cheese curds, free cloth bag and a frisbee. WE also took a picture with a VIA Rail train cut out. We were like little kids in a candy store.

After checking out Chateau Laurier and sneaking onto the 5th floor of the hotel, we proceeded to squeeze our way through the crowd to Parliament Hill. By the time we tried to get onto the hill, people were already lined up along Wellington, ready to catch a glimpse of PM Stephen Harper's motorcade and Governor-General's Michaelle Jean's open top horse drawn buggy. Deciding that it wasn't worth it, we managed to find a spot on the fence stood there to take pictures, although we couldn't see much. Then we decided to climb over the fence in full view of RCMP officers. During the GG's arrival, I came close to seeing her. Thrilling stuff.

As for the ceremony, we managed to get pretty close to the stage and so I was also able to capture the Snowbirds fly past on video and see many artists from across Canada perform live, including Paul Brandt and Blue Rodeo. Major thrills! It was a nice 2 hour concert, although it was tiring because I was standing in the sun. After the concert, we decided to head our separate ways as we both had plans for the evening.

After getting home, I took a shower and rested up before heading over to Leon's for a BBQ, some Wii, and heading down to Victoria Island for fireworks.

Overall, it was a fun Canada Day and one that I will never forget because I got to sing "Alberta Bound", as performed live by Paul Brandt!

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