Wednesday, November 09, 2005


Yesterday morning, during my Global Environmental Politics class, I had a nosebleed. It wasn't an ordinary nosebleed but rather it was a 'Niagara Falls-like nosebleed'. I was sitting at the front of the class and all of a sudden, my nose started running. I quickly grabbed a packet of tissue I had in my backpack but I couldn't open it! So the lady beside me saw my struggles and helped me get the tissue out. But that didn't really help as blood was already all over the table (luckily not on my notes!). I pinched my nose as hard as I could but it was still rushing. The prof continued to lecture at this point. Then says outloud "did you maybe want to go to the washroom and clean yourself up?" So I went and another girl came with me to get me cleaned up. I spent about 20 more minutes in the washroom until it finally stopped. I cleaned myself up (luckily I didn't get any blood on my clothing), went back to the classroom (embarassed and all), packed my bags and headed home.

Before returning home, I made a pit-stop at the Health Clinic to see if I could see a doctor about this. I asked how long I would have to wait for urgent-care and the receptionist said about 30-40 minutes. That's what they told me last year when I went to see them and I waited for over 3 hours. No thanks. So I made an appointment with a doctor for Thursday.

I've experienced Niagara Falls-like nosebleeds in the past because of the weather (it gets fairly dry in the winter) but this was uncommon because it's only November and it's not even that cold out (cold as in -20!). So I'm going to see if I have a problem with my nose and if there are any medications or ointments I can take/put to stop these. I'm really nervous about stepping outside now, especially in the mornings.


Anonymous said...

lydia!! u've moved! lol

well...ur nosebleeds might just mean u need a humidifier in ur room. and the only ointment i could think of would probably be a polysporin :P

if ur nosebleeds dont happen frequently every week or something, chances are, the doctor wont be able to help u.

if u think its really serious, it might just be u have a blood vessel that is "too close" to the surface of the insides of ur nose, and that can make it easy for nosebleeds to happen. b/c anything like blowing ur nose, picking ur nose...scratching it or whatever, will rupture it. then, in that case, if it's serious, then u could get a procedure done. its really small..they just burn off that blood vessel so it wont be there nemore.

LOL anyway!!!!! hope ure OK!

Anonymous said...

Actually I've given cocaine to a patient once to help stop the bleeding cause it's a vasoconstrictor!! Hope it wasn't too embarassing... two weeks ago at work I also suddenly got a nosebleed (perhaps not a niagra tho) but it was a pain in the butt cause I had to stop working and I went to some empty room trying to hold my nose and get the bleeding to stop. I think that one was due to the humidity.. soooo dry at the hospital! Anyways, hope it doesn't happen too often! :)